Friday, 31 October 2014

3 Recent Reads

Before we go into three recent reads, I'd like to give two quick apologies: 
  1. I'm sorry I haven't gotten a chance to type up a blogpost in the past few days, I am trying to get this blog into a regular schedule and I'm sure we'll get there eventually.
  2.  I'm also sorry about the photo on this post, I'm not happy with it but there's no daylight left to take another one by and I wanted to put this up today.

Now, as the three books I've read most recently have been so different, and as I enjoyed them all thoroughly, I thought I'd do some mini book reviews for you today. 

Marley and Me- John Grogan
I'd be surprised if you weren't familiar with the movie that was based on this book, but I didn't realise until I came across this worn out copy in a charity shop that it was based on a book at all. The book is a non-fiction reflection of, as the cover of my copy puts it 'life and love with the world's worst dog'. As an animal lover I enjoyed both the book and the film but preferred the book as it had a lot more personality and I would not consider it a sad book where I would consider it a sad film. As is often the case with film adaptations, I don't think the mood of the book really came out in the film.

Clockwork Angel- Cassandra Clare
This was the first in a series of 3, which I'm going to review as a whole. It has many of the qualities you might expect to find in Young Adult novels, its fun, addictive and romantic as well as being far from excellently written and faintly irritating. I believe I read the whole series in not much more than a week, particularly enjoying the setting of Victorian London and all the magic of the world the protagonist finds herself in. This is a great escapist novel and my main gripe upon finishing the series was that the first two novels were rather starved of romance while the third was almost sickeningly overflowing with it.

I Capture the Castle- Dodie Smith
This is a slower read than either of the others mentioned. It follows the life of a 17 year old girl in the 1930's English countryside. It is a love story, but not a romantic one. Enough happens in it that even I, who have a tendency to give up on a book as soon as I become bored, read it to the end but not enough to take the focus away from the personality of the protagonist and the slow, simple mood of the novel. This is beautifully written and evoked a love of the countryside in me, every time I put it down I was full of the romance of the setting and wondering if there was any tumbling down castles up for sale nearby. 

I would love to know what you've been reading recently, my next post will be up ASAP.
Happy Halloween!!
Eva xx


  1. I love the Infernal Devices trilogy! Cassandra Clare is an amazing writer ��

    1. Yeah I really enjoyed it, you reminded me that I probably should've mentioned the name of the trilogy in the post haha
