Saturday, 25 October 2014

12 Things to do on a Bad Day

So today I just woke up feeling awful, and didn’t feel like writing up a blog post. But having promised myself I would post at least every other day for a while, I decided I’d write something relevant to the situation. We all have bad days and I think the best thing to do, if at all possible, is to forget about whatever is stressing you out for a little while and spend as much time as you can spare doing something for yourself. Sometimes its therapeutic to sit around in your PJs eating ice cream, sometimes you feel better when you go out, or spend some time with your favourite people. Here’s a little list of things I do to make myself feel better on a bad day:

  1. Take the dog for a walk somewhere pretty.
  2. Take yourself for a walk somewhere pretty.
  3. Have a bath- use that bath bomb you were saving (or is it just me who saves their favourite bath bombs for bad days?)
  4. Eat your favourite food, eat lots of it.
  5. Spend time with friends or family, watch movies, play board games, distract yourself with good company.
  6. Go to your favourite coffee shop.
  7. Make yourself the most elaborate hot chocolate you can find a recipe for.
  8. Spend ages doing really amazing make up regardless of what you are doing with the rest of your day.
  9. Bring your duvet to the living room and watch your favourite film or TV show.
  10. Cuddle your pets.
  11. Re-read a favourite book (I usually find romantic ones the most comforting)
  12. Go shopping- buy yourself something you definitely don't need.

Anyway, I hope none of you had a bad day today, I'd love to know what you do to cheer yourself up when you do though. See you Tuesday!
Eva x


  1. Great post, I find the numbers 3 and 9 the most comforting for me. And I usually watch Friends to cheer me up :) x

    1. thank you! Yeah Friends is always good :)

  2. I nominated you for the Liebster Award !! Go to my blog for more infomation about it x:):)
